The Township of Uxbridge has received an Energy Efficiency Achievement Award from Enbridge for its ice resurfacing upgrade project.

The Township implemented REALice technology in 2023 to save costs and reduce energy usage. REALice is designed specifically for ice rinks and treats the water used for ice resurfacing, eliminating the need for hot water when building and resurfacing ice.

With no water heating, there is reduced gas consumption (BTUs) and reduced electric consumption (kWh), as brine temperatures can be raised, lessening the load on the chiller.

REALice is projected to provide approximately $34,000 in cost savings annually and an estimated reduction of 57 tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions.

As a result of this initiative, the Township of Uxbridge has received a Certificate of Achievement in Energy Efficiency from Enbridge Gas.

Enbridge thanked the Township of Uxbridge for doing their part to help the environment. The award came with a financial incentive of $5,902.

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