Emergencies can happen quickly and without warning. Help your family stay safe during an emergency by developing an emergency plan. View our fire and life safety education tips, or visit the Region of Durham for tips to help you prepare for an emergency.

Emergency notices and updates

Make an emergency plan

Creating an emergency plan can help you and your family stay safe during an emergency.

Emergency Preparedness Overview

2022 emergency preparedness page 1   2022 emergency preparedness page 2

Communication plan

You and your family may not be together when an emergency happens. Discuss with your family how you plan to get in touch with each other during an emergency. You can also identify one or two contacts that live out of town who you can call or text to provide information. Make sure they live far enough away that they won't be impacted by the emergency.

  • Provide contact information for everyone in your family
  • Write down contact information in case your phone isn't charged

Evacuation plan

During some emergencies, such as a fire, you may need to evacuate your home. Develop an evacuation plan to help you stay safe. Follow these tips to develop an evacuation plan:

  • Draw a floor plan of your home
  • Include all possible exits
  • Find two ways out of every room in your house, if possible
  • Identify if any family members need help to escape
  • Choose a meeting place outside (should be a safe distance from the home)
  • Contact emergency services once you are safely out of your home
  • Practice the escape with your family and make sure that everyone knows all exit routes

Emergency Planning for Pets

emergency preparedness for pets 1     emergency preparedness for pets 2

Build an emergency survival kit

An emergency survival kit should have everything you and your family need to be safe for at least three days following an emergency. Review the tips below and build an emergency kit today.  View the Home Fire Safety Self-Inspection Checklist for ways to prepare your home for the heating season.

What to include in the kit

Your survival kit should include the following essential items:

  • Non-perishable food and a manual can opener
  • Bottled water (4 L per person for each day)
  • Medications (if necessary)
  • Flashlight
  • Radio (crank or battery-run)
  • Extra batteries
  • First-aid kit
  • Candles and matches, lighter
  • Hand sanitizer/moist towels
  • Important papers (identification, contact lists, copies of prescriptions, etc.)
  • Extra car keys
  • Cash
  • Whistle
  • Zip-lock bag (to keep things dry)
  • Garbage bags

Depending on your situation, you may need to pack additional items for young children or pets.

Supplies for evacuation

Some emergencies may lead to an evacuation. Here are some items to pack in case of an evacuation:

  • Clothes, shoes, etc.
  • Sleeping bags and blankets
  • Personal items (soap, toothpaste, shampoo, other toiletries)
  • Playing cards, books, travel games, activities for children, etc.

Storage and maintenance

Follow these storage and maintenance tips:

  • Pack your survival kit in an easy-to-carry bag or case with wheels
  • Store your kit in a place that is easy to reach and make sure that everyone in your family knows where the kit is stored
  • Check and refresh your kit twice per year (replace expired food, make sure batteries work, etc.)
  • Keep your cell phone fully charged

Family Emergency Kit Activity

Family Emergency Kit page 1     Family Emergency Kit page 2


Family Emergency Kit page 3     Family Emergency Kit page 4

Our emergency preparedness plan

The Township of Uxbridge Emergency Preparedness Plan details how we will respond to an emergency.

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