Building or construction projects in the Township of Uxbridge require you to book mandatory building or plumbing inspections.

Booking an inspection

Need to book an inspection? 

  1. If you submitted your permit application through the Cloudpermit system, request an Inspection online through the Cloudpermit portal
  2. If you have a legacy permit or issues booking your inspection through the Cloudpermit portal, contact the Building Department by email at or by phone 905-852-9181 ext. 403. 

Inspection requests must be made prior to 12:00 p.m. (Noon) in order to obtain an inspection for the following business day.*

*Inspections will be scheduled as staffing and time restraints permit but will be completed within two (2) business days.

Step by Step Guide to Cloudpermit - Please visit "To Request an Inspection" section of the guide for steps on how to book an inspection through the online Cloudpermit portal.

Booking an inspection by email or phone

Make sure you have these details ready:

  • The municipal address
  • The inspection type required
  • Your permit number
  • Your contact name and phone number
 Mandatory Building Inspections

The below is a complete list of mandatory inspections.  You will be notified of the inspections required under your permit at time of issuance.


Inspection Description 
Footing Prior to pouring concrete footings
Foundation Pre-backfill Upon completion of the foundation and prior to backfilling
Framing Completion of total framing, including electrical work, plumbing, central vacuum and heating rough-in
Insulation, air and Vapour Barrier Completion of insulation, air and vapour barriers, prior to applying the interior finishes
Fire separation The framing for the walls, floors and shaft fire separations, closures and fire stopping are complete, prior to applying for the interior finishes
Plumbing Outside Service  Installation of building drains and water supply to building
Plumbing Inside Service Installation of building drains and water supply under basement floor
Plumbing Rough-in Prior to installing insulation
Final Plumbing Installation of hot water tank and all required plumbing fixtures, prior to occupancy
HVAC Rough-in Prior to installing insulation
Final HVAC Installation of furnace and all required systems and grilles, prior to occupancy
Occupancy Completion of finishes, handrails, guards, smoke alarms and gas proofing, etc., prior to occupancy
Final  Completion of all exterior work including site grading, caulking, balconies, landings and finish materials

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